Get Results
Query Parameters
Used for cursor-based pagination. Set it to the cursor from the last response. If not set, will return the first results.
Populated for integrations performed by only. Session Id
List of filters to apply to the results.
Used for cursor-based pagination. Maximum number of results per response.
1 < x < 250
The locale to use for the search. If not set, the default locale will be used.
Metadata that can be used to modify the behaviour of the search.
The search query.
Session identifier
Specifies the sorting method. By default, the results are ordered by relevance. To find the possible values for this field, query the endpoint and look at the sorts
User identifier
The search results.
Total number of results for this query. Not necessarily exact.
List of links to content pages that match the search query.
Cursor that can be used in the next request to get subsequent results. If this is not set, there are no more results.
Available filters that can be used for filtering in the subsequent request.
Available methods for sorting the response. Any element from this list can be sent as sort
in subsequent requests.
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